Nick Clidas, MS, LMT, CMMP

Licensed Massage Therapist

Certified Medical Massage Practitioner

Wellness Coach – Consultant

My first career was as a teacher of Special Education. My training emphasized two things: learning style, and a process that involves assessment, planning, and re assessment. That thoughtful and scientific approach has stayed with me and is applied to every patient I see. As an Educator, I was and still am committed to life long learning.

On Jan. 2, 1982 I saw my first paying client. At that point my work was focused on Swedish Massage and its ability to provide deep relaxation and relief from the physical effects of stress. With those who were open to it, I would suggest ways to manage stress, teach about how muscle tension was often an effect of stress and that feeling tension was mostly manifested in tight muscles.

Over the years, I began to see that much of the causes of my patient’s pain went beyond what I could treat on the massage table. This more wholistic view encouraged clients to be more body-aware to short circuit patterns that caused painful conditions, and consider lifestyle issues as part of a journey on the path to wellness. I also sponsored workshops in Couples Massage, teaching the basics of Swedish massage.

When Connecticut (where I lived and practiced) finally recognized Massage Therapy as a Profession and required formal training in 1992, I Studied at the Swedish Institute, College of Health Sciences, where I was introduced to Traditional Chinese Medicine and learned Shiatsu or Acupressure. Acupressure is an Asian massage and diagnostic method that emphasizes body energy (called chi) and uses finger pressure rather than needles (Acupuncture). I have since added Certification in Medical Massage (CMMP), which provides specific treatment protocols for specific conditions.

As massage has evolved from a purely personal care, pampering approach to more of an alternative healthcare model, my practice has evolved in the same direction. Most recently, in the last several years I have added other assessment and treatment techniques to better serve my patients. These have included Orthopedic Assessment and Treatment techniques; Medical Massage; and Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques. Together these skills allow me to ‘tease out’ the root cause of painful conditions and treat the cause rather than the symptoms only.

Today, I look forward to adding Manual Osteopathy techniques to my skill set. I continue to look at the whole person and have wellness as my personal and patient goal.

My experience, continuing education and my patients have brought me to the point where I call my work Integrated Manual Therapy and Wellness – Hands-On Alternative Healthcare.

Education and Training

  • Hofstra university, BA
  • Southern Connecticut State University, Master of Science
  • Pace University, Advanced Graduate Study
  • Swedish Institute College of Health Science,Diploma
  • Onondaga School of Therapeutic Massage, Diploma
  • Introduction to Integrating Orthopedic and Massage Therapy (James Waslaski)
  • MyoSkeletal Alignment Techniques (Erik Dalton)


New York,
Licensed Massage Therapist, 027773

Licensed Massage Therapist; 0000

Professional Affiliations

American Massage Therapy Association

New York State Society of Medical Massage Therapists